Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lottery Paragragh

Charlene Johnson

Lottery Paragraph

Sophomore English

21 September 2007

The lottery is not my favorite story because it lacked character development, setting, and there was a general absence of details. The story did not play your emotions by telling you details and letting you know about any of the characters. When Tessie died I was not affected or sad, because I knew nothing about her. All during the story I had no idea where I was. Knowing the country and town would have given you more feeling about the place and understood the story more. With the age group that this story is targeting it would have been more interesting if it had details. All we know about the town square is that it is the center of the town, not is it was dusty or crowded. The account of the lottery had no feeling, emotional involvement, or real place.

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